User Security

Project managers, export, hide sensitive data
On the App Store and Google Play

Download our timesheet app! Scan or tap timesheets using your mobile. Timesheets and punchclock with GPS location to track clock-on / clock-off time and locations!

Download save_alt
On the App Store and Google Play

Download our timesheet app! Scan or tap timesheets using your mobile. Timesheets and punchclock with GPS location to track clock-on / clock-off time and locations!

Download save_alt
Simple, Powerful, Efficient

Use the control panel to configure users, resources and projects for your customised scanning workflow. Allocate project managers to manage timesheets and control reporting of timesheet data. Log operations and resources against projects with a minimum of input.

Flexible Security Options

Secure each team member to their own timesheet entry environment, or use the master login feature to enter timesheets for multiple users from the one secure login.

Project managers can be nominated to delegate timesheet management, reporting and export duties, reporting on any projects allocated to them, with or without the ability to export the report data.

Scanning Options

Set predefined scanning options to control the allocation of tasks or resources to team members.

Tasks can be preset as a default task for a team member, allowing the team member to override the task or force to use the default task.

Allocate Project Managers
Show/Hide Sensitive Data
Master Login Feature
Control User Scanning
Enable/Disable Export